B2PT Blog
Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Our mission at Bridge2PT is to provide a revolutionary Physical Therapy experience for both our patients and our practitioners. We want this to feel like nothing you've ever experienced in Physical Therapy before. In order to provide this superior experience, we feel it is our responsibility to help educate our communities about the benefits of mobile, one-on-one care with a Doctor of Physical Therapy that is truly focused on your healing journey. We intend to use this blog, Bridging the Knowledge Gap, to deliver the information we feel will help you make the decision that mobile Physical Therapy with Bridge2PT is right for you.

How Delaying Physical Therapy Contributes to Increased Opioid Risk

We've discussed how early access to Physical Therapy can affect many different aspects of your care; including total out of pocket cost of care, insurance costs, number of both invasive and non-invasive studies performed, and likelihood of surgical intervention. Another important correlation has been identified in a 2023 article found here in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Investigators looked at the relationship between the timing of PT initiation and the risk of future opioid use... Read More

How Can Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) Help Me?

VRT, or Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, is a specialized form of therapy that is intended to help patients overcome vestibular disorders. Your vestibular system starts in the inner ear and is connected to your eyes and brain to create your sense of balance. It is estimated that 69 million people in the United States deal with problems as a result of their vestibular system being off balance...
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4 Reasons to Consider Mobile Physical Therapy

Now more than ever, it is important to be able to offer to patients the best in PT working around the issue of transportation to and from the office. We have compiled 4 reasons to show you why mobile physical therapy is your best option...
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Are your hips actually "tight?" Stretching versus Strengthening

I recently saw an article popping up on social media titled “Why the Australian Ballet dancers quit stretching.” It got me thinking...
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How seeing your Physical Therapist early on can impact your pocketbook

I am very supportive of my patients when they feel they need to seek additional testing or opinions. I do, however, also make sure that my patients know how important it is for them to seek Physical Therapy early on when they start to notice symptoms...
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Mental sluggishness - the answer may be more complicated than another cup of coffee

Studies over the recent years have revealed that low-grade chronic inflammation plays a role in many of the chronic illnesses that our society deals with today. Inflammation has been linked to ailments such as...
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Patient Expectations and Treatment Outcomes

I always try to look for ways to improve treatment outcomes for my patients. Whether that means learning new treatment techniques, experimenting with new exercises, delving into medical history and other contributing factors, or helping them...
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The Power of Our Words - Degenerative Disc Disease

When I talk to my patients about their diagnoses, imaging results, and symptoms, I try my best to always remember how powerful my choice of words can be...
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Squat Depth - How Does it Affect Strength, Function, and Pain

I often question whether I should be allowing my patients with knee pain to perform partial or “half squats.” My thought has been that if I can load and strengthen them in the partial range, hopefully this will provide pain relief, and an eventual carryover into a deeper and more functional squat range...
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Healthcare Provider Burnout - It's More Common and Costly Than You Think

The World Health Organization (WHO) now recognizes burnout as an “occupational phenomenon and syndrome tied to chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed, characterized by feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion...
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Exercise Therapy, Inflammation, and Cartilage Health

So many times, I hear my patients tell me that they have been told their cartilage is thinning, wearing down, or that they have the dreaded “bone on bone” in their knees. This discussion almost always comes with a warning that they only have so much cartilage left, and that they had better stop squatting, walking on the treadmill, or doing anything that causes any kind of compression in their knees...
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Nutrition and Brain Health

Most of us know that our food plays a role in how our physical bodies function. But, did you know that the foods you eat can have a direct impact on how your brain works? We as PTs are in a unique position to discuss nutrition and its effects with our patients. Our patients can find serious improvements in their physical and mental well-being and function if you can empower them to take their nutrition seriously....
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Age Related Muscle Loss: It starts earlier than you may think... Let's Fight It!

Age related muscle loss, or sarcopenia, is caused by the natural aging process and is something that will happen to each and every one of us as we grow older. We typically only associate sarcopenia with very old, frail, and weak individuals who have a difficult time rising from a chair, navigating stairs, or maintaining their balance. The process of age related muscle loss, however, may start much earlier in life for many of us... Read More